About Us
The programme is being implemented by the consortium consisting of the Armenian Caritas Benevolent NGO, Armenian Red Cross Society, Centre for Coordination of Syrian Armenians’ Issues NGO, SME Cooperation Association and led by the Austrian Red Cross. Save the Children is Associate partner to the programme.
IRIS programme is funded by the European Union, through the EU Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis, the EU Madad Fund, Austrian Development Cooperation and Austrian Red Cross.

What we do
Economic IntegrationOrganisational structure for a business incubator (BI) established for Syrian Armenians and local Armenians jointly with state and non-state actors, Syrian Armenians and local Armenians provided with business development support; sustainable continuation of the business incubation system promoted and advocated for with relevant state and non- state actors; employment skills and site promotion for Syrian Armenians improved.LEARN MORE
Housing SupportMost vulnerable Syrian Armenians provided with monthly subsidies; sustainable housing options explored, developed and fine-tuned with main stakeholders.LEARN MORE
Information ServicesMulti-sectorial info hub established comprehending all services offered to Syrian Armenians from state and non-state actors; provision of visiting services for older people and people with disabilities among Syrian Armenians, most vulnerable Armenians and other displaced people in Armenia; psychological and social consultations/services offered for Syrian Armenians.LEARN MORE
Social InclusionCapacities of children, teachers, partners and state stakeholders on addressing Syrian Armenian issues improved through trainings on tolerance and psychological First Aid; social inclusion and integration of Syrian Armenian and local children and youth increased through joint after-school activities.LEARN MORE